Survivorship Care Plan Taskforce
The 2016-2020 Vermont State Cancer Plan has a goal to “Assure the highest quality of life possible for cancer survivors”. After completing active cancer treatment, cancer survivors need coordinated follow-up care to address late side-effects, as well as to promote healthy behaviors and early detection of recurrent or second cancers. Developing a survivorship care plan that includes a record of the patient’s cancer treatment and follow-up care recommendations is critical. A survivorship care plan should be used by cancer survivors and their primary care provider as a guide to ensure effective and continuous care takes place. (1)
The VTAAC Quality of Life Workgroup chose the implementation of Survivorship Care Plans (SCP) as one of our primary actions. A sub-group was chosen to implement a survey of Vermont Cancer Centers to assess our progress in this area. With assistance from the Vermont Department of Health a telephone survey was created. After an initial call it was determined that Vermont’s smaller, non-Commission on Cancer (COC) Centers were not implementing SCPs. The final survey included 5 Vermont COC Centers. In addition, we added the Norris Cotton Cancer Center in NH as many Vermonters are treated there
- 5 of the cancer centers have implemented some form of SCPs for selected cancers – about 50% of all cancers.
- The 2 larger centers use their Electronic Medical Records system to create SCPs; the others use the ASCO/Moving Forward program.
- All responded that the time to create the SCP is a major stumbling block. Each center uses different staffing to create the SCP.
- There is no common time when the SCP is presented to the patient.
- None of the centers has developed a follow-up plan to see how patients or Primary Care Providers are using the SCP.
- All 5 centers were interested in attending a session to “brain storm” solutions to overcoming SCP problems.
Next Steps
- Share results with participating cancer centers.
- Share results at VTAAC Annual Meeting in September.
- Create a VTAAC meeting to share solutions, best practices.
- VTAAC to work with centers to develop follow up surveys.
*If you would like to join our Survivorship Care Plan Taskforce, please contact!