HPV is a very common virus that almost everyone will have at some point in their lives. HPV infection can cause several types of cancer, including cancers of the head/neck and cervix. HPV can cause cancer in both men and women. Among Vermonters, the rate of adolescents who have completed the HPV vaccine series varies widely across the state, with most counties falling under the statewide rate (59%) (Vermont Department of Health, Vermont Immunization Registry, 2021).

The HPV vaccine prevents cancer. Both boys and girls, starting at age 9, can get the vaccine. The vaccine is safe and effective. For more information on HPV, the vaccine and HPV-related cancers, visit https://www.cdc.gov/hpv/index.html.  

Goal 4 in the Vermont State Cancer Plan  is to Prevent Human Papillmavirus (HPV) infections in young vermonters. You can find the full list of objectives and strategies in the cancer plan. In an effort to increase the percent of eligible Vermonters who have completed the HPV vaccine series, the HPV Taskforce came together in the spring of 2023 to create two call-to-action letters.

The call-to-action letters encourage providers to recommend HPV vaccinations beginning at age 9.

Please find the two letters below and share widely with your networks!

Vermont Health Care Provider Call-to-Action Letter

Vermont Dental Health Care Provider Call-To-Action Letter

To learn more about the HPV Taskforce, and to get involved, click here.

Please reach to coordinator@vtaac.org with questions.