Prevention & Detection Taskforce
Taskforce Mission
Meeting Information
Activities focus on preventing cancer from occurring or recurring and detecting cancer at its earliest stages. A major achievement of this group’s efforts is the creation of the Cancer Screening Guidelines flyer.
This groups meets quarterly for 60 minutes. Please reach out for specific dates and to be added to the membership list by contacting coordinator@vtaac.org.
We are currently looking to create two subgroups for BREAST CANCER and PROSTATE CANCER to collaborate on a media campaign this fall. The subgroups will collaborate at the quarterly Prevention & Detection Taskforce meetings and via email.
Recent Meeting Materials
- February 19, 2025
- Meeting Minutes
- Meeting Recording (Password: prevention1!)
Why a Prevention & Detection Taskforce?
Many cancers are thought to result from more than one risk factor. A risk factor for cancer is a condition or an activity that increases a person’s chance of developing a particular type of cancer. There is a wide range of risk factors associated with different types of cancers. Behavioral choices like over-exposure to ultraviolet light, tobacco use, alcohol consumption, poor diet, and lack of physical activity can increase a person’s chance of getting cancer.
One of the primary ways to reduce the impact of cancer on Vermonters is to reduce the risk factors that can lead to cancer among Vermonters. Another is through regular screening tests. Cancers of the colon (large intestine) and cervix can actually be prevented by screening, since abnormal tissue can be found and removed before becoming cancerous.
Although not all types of cancers are preventable many can be prevented by stopping smoking, increasing physical activity, and eating a healthy diet that is low in fat, moderate in calories and high in fiber. These healthy lifestyle choices also significantly reduce the risk of other chronic diseases, such as heart disease and diabetes.
Prevention & Detection Taskforce Co-Chairs
Rachel Zwynenburg (she/her)
Senior Cancer Outreach Program Director, University of Vermont Cancer Center
As a fourth generation Vermonter I have an ingrained dedication to Vermont, its land and its people. The work of the University of Vermont Cancer Center and Vermonters Taking Action Against Cancer is deeply personal to me after watching many loved ones, too young, slip away from cancer. I look forward to continuing to build bi-directional collaborations with community stakeholders and increase access to cancer prevention and detection for all Vermonters.
Lisa Purvis, EdD, MPH, MBA
Director, Community Outreach and Engagement, Dartmouth Cancer Center
As a public health specialist, I have a life-long interest in community-based efforts to improve the health and well-being of residents. As a Vermonter, I am particularly interested in the health status of Vermonters and the health system and services available in Vermont. I hope that I can contribute to programs and initiatives that will benefit Vermonters.