Quality of Life Taskforce

Taskforce Mission

Recent Taskforce Activities

Activities focus on treating cancer with appropriate, quality care and ensuring the highest quality of life possible for cancer survivors. This collaborative group, comprising community members, nonprofits, healthcare providers, survivors, and public health officials, works together to raise awareness about available cancer-focused resources in Vermont. By supporting cancer patients, survivors, and caregivers, the taskforce aims to ease the burden of cancer and promote better outcomes for all.

2024-2025 activities focus on finalizing the Cancer Survivorship Resource Center (see below) as well as planning a Rural Cancer Survivorship Project ECHO. This will be six tele-mentoring sessions from March through May for primary care providers who are interested in learning more about the unique needs of cancer survivors (anyone who has had a cancer diagnosis) and how best to care for them. More information and a flyer will be available February 2025. Time is dedicated at each meeting for member updates and for partners to connect, share barriers, successes, best practices and resources.

Cancer Survivorship Resource Center

The Cancer Survivorship Resource Center is a home for all Vermont cancer survivorship resources. Is your resource missing from this list? Fill out the Organization Submission Form on the Resource Center website. Criteria for eligible organizations is listed within the form.

Meeting Information

Meeting Minutes & Materials

This group meets quarterly for 60 minutes. There is no minimum time requirement to be a part of this group. Some members are able to attend all meetings while others participate via email. Minutes are shared out after each meeting along with any requested action items. Please reach out to coordinator@vtaac.org for more information and to get involved.  

To learn more about our current quality of life-focused goals and objectives, see the 2025 Vermont Cancer Plan. Please refer to pages 17-21.